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Current courses (2024/25)

  • Bachelor's course entitled Visió per Ordinador (Computer Vision), part of the Bachelor's degree program in Artificial Intelligence.


  • Bachelor's course entitled Introducció a la Robòtica (Introduction to Robotics), part of the Bachelor's degree program in Artificial Intelligence.


  • Bachelor's course entitled Robòtica Avançada (Advanced Robotics), part of the Bachelor's degree program in Artificial Intelligence.

Past courses

  • Academic course 2023-2024: Bachelor's courses Visió per Ordinador (Computer Vision), Introducció a la Robòtica (Introduction to Robotics), and Robòtica Avançada (Advanced Robotics), part of the Bachelor's degree program in Artificial Intelligence. 170 hours (in total) and 50 students per course.


  • Academic course 2022-2023: Bachelor's course entitled Dinàmica de Sistemes (Systems Dynamics), part of the Bachelor's degree program in Enginyeria en Tecnologies Industrials. 12 hours and 31 students.


  • Academic course 2018-2019: PhD course entitled Mathematical Methods for Robotics, part of the doctoral program in Bioengineering and Robotics: 30 hours and 17 students.


  • Academic courses 2015-2016 and 2016-2017: Master course entitled Planning and Implementation of Robotic Systems, part of the master program in Automatic Control and Robotics. 60 hours and 31 (2015-2016) and 25 (2016-2017) students.


Supervision of master students

  • ​Albert Dalmases (Academic year 2022-2023) A smart and flexible perception framework for robotic manipulation. Master’s degree in Automatic Control and Robotics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


  • Stijn Peeters and Jens Oleman (Academic year 2021-2022) Robotic dismantling of End-of-Life electric vehicles (EV) batteries. Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, KU Leuven.


  • Bert Vanelslande and Jan Van Rompaey (Academic year 2020-2021) Automated Robotic Extraction of Batteries from Tablets. Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, KU Leuven.


  • Aleix Ripoll (Academic year 2015-2016) Object Recognition and Grasping using a Bimanual Robot. Master’s degree in Automatic Control and Robotics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


Supervision of PhD students

  • (Co-Supervisor) Simon Van den Eyde, Enhancing spectroscopic systems for characterisation and sorting of metals and plastics in the context of a circular economy, 2020-2024, KU Leuven.


  • (Supervisor) Paula Olvera, Data-driven strategies for optimal task-oriented grasping in robotic manipulation, 2023-2026, UPC.


  • (Supervisor) Morad Shirzadi Maryan, Dexterous robotic manipulation of unknown objects, 2023-2026, UPC.

Teaching innovation

  • Master's degree in High Education Teaching for STEM Courses by the Technical University of Catalonia – BarcelonaTech (2015-2016). Master thesis entitled A novel teaching strategy based on flipped classroom to improve the learning of practical content in STEM courses awarded the maximum grade.


  • Zaplana, I. and Rosell, J. (2016) Una estrategia docente basada en el flipped classroom para mejorar la enseñanza de contenidos prácticos en asignaturas STEM/A novel teaching strategy based on flipped classroom to improve the learning of practical content in STEM courses. In: Actas de las XXXVII Jornadas de Automática, Madrid, Spain, pp. 114-120. doi: 10.17979/spudc.9788497498081.0114.​​​


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